The moon is one of the most important and central symbols of Wicca, and, in particular, full moon meanings are especially important.
But just why do we love full moons so much, and how do Wiccans incorporate them into magick?
That’s exactly what we’re covering today!
In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about full moon meanings and how witches and Wiccans work with them. Specifically, we’re going to be answering these key questions about the full moon:
- Why is the full moon important to Wiccans?
- What energies are associated with the full moon?
- Why are some full moons considered more special than others?
- When are the full moons this year?
- How can I celebrate the full moon like a real Wiccan?
Let’s get started and see what kind of magick the moon is hiding!
Table of Contents
The Full Moon and Its Importance to Wiccans
The Magickal Energies of the Full Moon
How to Celebrate the Full Moon Yourself
Why is the Full Moon Important to Wiccans?
The moon in all its phases has a special place in the world of Wicca because it acts as a symbol for the Triple Goddess. In this section we’re going to talk a bit about the Goddess and how her full moon symbolism factors into everything.
The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess is the principal conception of divine, feminine energy in Wicca.
However, this symbol goes deeper than that–we envision the Triple Goddess as three different-yet-complementary aspects of divine energy, and those correspond to the phases of the moon.
These three aspects of the Triple Goddess are known as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. The Maiden and Crone correspond to the waxing and waning moon, respectively. And in the middle is the Mother, who corresponds to the full moon.
The Mother
As the name implies, the Mother is the aspect of the Triple Goddess that has to do with (maternal) protection and life-giving power–and we see that protection and power reflected in the beauty of the full moon.
Drawing Down the Moon

Drawing Down the Moon is a unique and sacred ritual that Wiccan covens (and some solo witches) perform on the full moon to commune with the Triple Goddess. In its original form, this rite allows a coven High Priestess to channel the spirit of the Goddess herself.
This ritual is almost always performed outdoors under the light of a full moon, and during it a High Priestess may recite the Charge of the Goddess, prophesy under the power of the Goddess, or simply commune with her energy.
This is a very serious ritual that shouldn’t be undertaken lightly, but when it comes to the full moon and its importance in Wicca, Drawing Down the Moon is right there at the top of the list.
What Magickal Energies Correspond to the Full Moon?
Drawing Down the Moon is not the only magick associated with the full moon. There are plenty of energies and correspondences that are strengthened by the full moon and its power. In this section, we’re going to take a look at some of those associations.
The Energies and Magick of the Full Moon
As I mentioned in the section on the Triple Goddess, the Mother (and thus, the full moon) is associated with maternal protection and life-giving energy. So, any sort of spells or rituals that fall within those categories are a good choice for a full moon.
Most commonly, this includes spells relating to fertility and love. However, spells of protection or a blessing for a home would also be a great choice for the full moon–as you can tap into the stability and protection that it provides.
Additionally, if you’re a gardener, the full moon moon is a great time to ask the goddess to bless your plants. The full moon is when she’s at the peak of her life-giving powers.
Full Moon Correspondences
In a nutshell, correspondences are physical depictions of spiritual energy–they’re things like colors, herbs, and symbols which help to add more energy and power to certain types of spells.
And when it comes to full moons, there are plenty of correspondences that will help make your spells as strong as they can be.
In terms of colors, the full moon is closely associated with silvers and whites. However, green could also be an option (as it represents life and growth), as well as red or pink if you’re harnessing the power of the full moon for fertility or love.
There are far too many plants and herbs associated with the full moon to list them all, but here are some of the more common ones, along with their specific energies:
- Apples (abundance, life)
- Cedar (for honoring or contacting deities)
- Goldenrod (guidance and protection)
- Red roses (love and passion)
- White roses (the Triple Goddess)
Moonstone and selenite are two gems/crystals that are associated with the full moon. However, charging any kind of crystal or gem in the moonlight can help to increase its power.
Special Kinds of Full Moon
Not every full moon is exactly the same as the others! Sometimes, the moon holds a special power. In this section, we’re going to take a look at these special full moons.
Blue Moon
A blue moon is a rare occurrence, which is probably why we have the phrase, “Once in a blue moon.”
Over the years, the term blue moon has come to mean a second full moon in a single month, but that’s not the traditional definition that’s commonly used in witchcraft and Wicca.
Instead, by the traditional definition, a blue moon is the fourth full moon of a given season. Typically, there are only three per season–if a fourth one shows up, it’s considered blue.
Because blue moons only show up once every few years, they are the perfect time for spells involving luck or prosperity. This kind of lunar energy doesn’t come around every day!
Harvest Moon
The harvest moon is the full moon that falls closest to the holiday of Mabon (the fall equinox). This means that the harvest moon typically appears in late September, or, in some cases, early October.
Because this full moon falls during the period of the year where Wiccan holidays are traditionally focused on the harvest, it’s a great time to invite abundance into your life or thank the Goddess for the abundance you’ve already experienced in the year.
Full Moons in Other Traditions
Witches and Wiccans aren’t the only ones concerned with full moon meanings–not by a long shot.
If you’re from the United States, you may be familiar with The Farmers’ Almanac–a yearly periodical that contains long-term weather predictions and other information important to farmers. Within this publication, each month’s full moon is referred to by a different descriptive name, and some witches choose to work with them.
These descriptive names include things like:
- Wolf Moon (January)
- Strawberry Moon (June)
- Corn Moon (August)
- Oak Moon (December)
Some witches choose to incorporate these Almanac names and meanings into their own practice, which is completely fine. That being said, these names and meanings are specific to the agriculture of the United States, so your mileage may vary.
Additionally, in Hinduism, some holidays are scheduled based on full moons.
These are only a couple examples of the importance of the full moon to humans, but there are plenty more people out there taking the moon seriously!
Full Moons of 2021
Below is just a quick, short list of when full moons will occur in 2021. Hopefully you’ll have lots of things planned for when they arrive!
- January 28th, 2021
- February 27th, 2021
- March 28th, 2021
- April 26th, 2021
- May 26th, 2021
- June 24th, 2021
- July 23rd, 2021
- August 22nd, 2021
- September 20th, 2021
- October 20th, 2021
- November 19th, 2021
- December 18th, 2021
Full Moon Ritual Ideas
There are lots of magickal things you can do to celebrate a full moon. Below is just a short sampling of the things that witches and Wiccans do on these special occasions. I’ve also included a short full moon ritual to honor the Triple Goddess that you can incorporate into your own celebrations!
Charging Water or Other Objects

Blessing tools and imbuing them with spiritual energy is an important step for creating magick in Wicca. And the light from a full moon is one common way that we accomplish this.
You’ll frequently see witches charge water with moonlight, as sacred water can be used in a wide variety of spells. However, this is definitely not the only thing that can be blessed and purified by the light of the moon.
The process is simple: bring any objects to be charged and blessed outdoors and into direct moonlight. You don’t need to leave your objects out all night (although you can, if you prefer), but allow them to sit under the moon for at least three hours.
If you’d like, recite this short prayer as you arrange your objects on the ground outside:
Holy Mother Moon, your light sustains us through the dark of the night. Your rays bless all that they touch. I pray for your power now to bless and consecrate these sacred tools in the service of my craft. May your divine love and energy radiate goodness into them and all who touch them. So mote it be.
Setting Intentions on the Full Moon
Witches, Wiccans, and others set intentions during all phases of the moon. This is basically where we have a goal in mind (an intention), make it known to the Universe, and attempt to align ourselves with the spiritual energies that will bring us closer to that goal.
However, the specific intentions we set will vary with the phase of the moon and its own unique energies. When it comes to full moons, focus your intention or intentions on the areas of love, protection, and blessing.
For example, the full moon is the perfect time to set an intention for getting back in the dating world, making your new apartment feel more homey and safe, or supporting a friend who’s going through a hard time.
The full moon is also the perfect time to set intentions about giving back or making a positive change in the world. The waxing and waning moon are phases when we attempt to bring goodness into our lives or banish negativity away from us, but the full moon is a time when we can really reflect the goodness of the Goddess into the lives of others–in the same way that the full moon reflects the splendor of the sun.
Setting intentions can be as easy or involved as you prefer.
At its most basic, an intention setting ritual will take place at night–preferably outside under the moon, but at the very least, indoors with the moon in view.
To set your intentions, carefully think about the goal you have in mind and write it down as clearly and concisely as you can. You can have multiple intentions, but adding in too many may dilute the power of the ritual.
Now, face the moon and clearly read your intention aloud.
Fold the paper three times (to represent the Triple Goddess) and place it in your right palm as you close your eyes. Visualize the light of the moon enveloping the paper in your hand until the paper has been completely obscured by this spiritual light.
Once you’ve completed this, your intention has been set. Keep the paper where your intention is written as a reminder until the next full moon. If your intention has been completed by then, you can dispose of the paper. If not, the paper can be reused and the intention set for another month.
Full Moon Ritual to Honor the Goddess

The following is a simple ritual to honor the Triple Goddess on a full moon. It’s a short expression of our thanksgiving for her goodness and a charge for us to reflect that goodness in our own lives.
Ideally, this ritual would be performed outside, but I understand that won’t be feasible for everyone. If you’re performing the ritual indoors, try to have a clear view of the moon if at all possible.
And while this ritual is based on elements and themes of Drawing Down the Moon, the two are not the same. This is a ritual to honor the Goddess, but at no point do you channel her spirit.
Items Needed:
- 3 White Candles (not big ones–think votives or sticks)
- Matches or a Lighter
- Silver or White Ribbon (long enough to tie around your wrist)
Begin by clearing a space on a table or your altar for the ritual. Arrange the three white candles in a horizontal row along the top of your ritual space. Your ribbon should lay on the right side of your space.
Close your eyes and take a few centering breaths. When you’re ready, raise your hands with your palms face up and repeat the following:
Great Goddess, you are moon and Mother
You speak to us in purity and light
I bring you honor and thanks this holy night
Now, light the middle white candle only. The three white candles represent the Triple Goddess, and the middle one represents the Mother and full moon specifically.
After the candle is lit, say this:
The candle’s flame reflects the power of the full moon
As we reflect the goodness of the Great Triple Goddess
You are the source of light in the darkness
Next, tie the ribbon around your right wrist–it should fit comfortably like a bracelet.
Once again, raise your hands with palms face up. As you do this, look directly at the moon (if possible) and say:
Great Mother in the sky, hear my thanksgiving on earth
Bless and protect me that I may continue to reflect your goodness
Until we meet again in the sacred light of your fullness
At this point, the ritual is over and you can extinguish the candle. You may continue to wear your ribbon around your wrist during the month, but this is not a necessity.
You’re All Set to Celebrate the Full Moon!
That’s all we have for today about full moons and why they’re so important in the world of Wicca. I want to thank you for taking the time to read what I had to share, and I hope that it will enrich your own spiritual journey in some way.
If you’d like to read more, I’ve got a few suggestions below for where to go from here.
Moon Magic of the Triple Goddess
If you’re looking for a deep dive into the Triple Goddess and how she relates to the ever-changing moon, be sure to check out my book Moon Magick of the Triple Goddess.
In it, you’ll find everything you need to understand the spiritual properties of the moon and how you can incorporate them into your own magickal practice. From charting the phases of the moon to celebrating the great Triple Goddess under the light of the full moon, this book is your complete guide to mastering lunar magick and understanding the role of the moon in witchcraft.
It’s available in paperback or as an eBook, so be sure to give it a read if you want to know absolutely everything about the moon and its magick.
Wiccan Deities: A Complete Guide for Beginners
Don’t need a book’s worth of reading? I totally understand. In that case, you’re going to want to check out our article “Wiccan Deities: A Complete Guide for Beginners“.
In it, we dive deep into the different ways that witches and Wiccans conceptualize the Divine. I talk at length about the Triple Goddess and her three manifestations, but we also look at her counterpoint and consort, the Horned God, and what he represents in the world of Wicca.
If you need more deities in your life, I definitely recommend you start there!
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If you love reading articles about Wicca and witchcraft, be sure to sign up for the Explore Wicca mailing list. When you do, you’ll be notified every time we have a new article up or some exciting news to share. It’s the best way to stay informed about what’s going on with the website.
Plus, when you sign up, you’ll receive a free color magick correspondence chart to help you see the particular energies that colors represent and how they can influence and amplify your spells.
Until We Meet Again
Regardless of what your next steps are, I’m grateful that Explore Wicca could be a small stop on your spiritual journey. I hope that what you found here has encouraged you to go deeper with your own unique practice.
Until next time!
–Didi Clarke