How to Perform a Wiccan Binding Spell for Protection

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Wiccans are by nature a pretty peaceful group of people. However, when attacked by the forces of negativity in this world, we aren’t afraid to defend ourselves spiritually. And that’s where Wiccan binding spells come in!

This protective form of magick is all about keeping bad energy at bay so that you can live your life free from fear, anger, or sadness. And I’m excited to show you the ins and outs of binding spells in this article!

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be familiar with the following things:

  • What Wiccan binding spells are
  • What Wiccan binding spells aren’t
  • The supplies needed for binding magick
  • How to perform your own Wiccan binding spell

Are you ready to take charge of your spiritual wellbeing?

Table of Contents

What Are Binding Spells?
What Binding Spells AREN’T
Binding Spells Preparation and Supplies
Binding Spell Ritual
Explore More Protection Spells

What Are Wiccan Binding Spells?

The spiritual energy of the universe is all around us, hiding in plain sight. It influences the reality of the physical world, often times in ways we can’t fully comprehend.

When negative energy begins to accumulate around you, it can lead to a number of different physical manifestations. Some of these may include:

  • Negative moods
  • Bad luck
  • Relationship problems
  • Lack of motivation

a woman in search of a wiccan bindng spell

Most of us know how it feels to be in a “funk” from time to time, so you’re probably at least a little familiar with many of those signs.

However, what you might not know is that these low points in life can sometimes be caused by a buildup of negative spiritual energy.

And that’s why we turn to binding spells.

This form of magick is all about removing that negativity from your life—binding its power so that it can no longer affect you. Think of a binding spell as a sort of magickal force field. It traps bad energy, keeping you safely out of reach.

Binding spells are seriously powerful magick, but I think it’s important to learn how to protect yourself.

Negative energy can come your way both accidentally and intentionally (more on that below) and it happens all the time, so magickal self-defense can come in extremely handy.

Why Am I Being Attacked By Negativity In the First Place?

To some extent, negativity is just a fact of life. Even someone who lives the most sheltered and privileged of lives learns the meaning of sadness eventually.

And this is what makes binding magick so useful and important—there are so many times when it can be necessary.

From bad bosses to failed romances, there are countless ways that bad energy can slowly creep up on you. Even when they don’t mean to, the people in our lives can sometimes contribute to the negative energy we encounter.

You don’t have to experience anything particularly traumatic, either—small annoyances and irritations add up over time. It begins as a traffic jam or an unkind word from a loved one, but before you know it, it feels like your whole world is falling apart.

two women arguing

Even if you’re proactive and take steps to improve your life and situation, the karmic, spiritual residue from your past can still linger. A binding spell can ensure that this energy doesn’t do you any further harm.

In the rarest (and I mean RAREST) of cases, your bad energy may be an intentional spiritual attack from someone who means you harm.

Hexes and curses are real, but to emphasize it again, it’s highly unlikely that this is the source of your problems. Most people these days are simply just not magickally-minded enough to consider this a viable means of revenge.

What Wiccan Binding Spells AREN’T

Before you decide that a binding spell is the right course of action for you, it’s important to also think about what binding spells aren’t. If you’re motivated by the wrong reasons, at best, your binding spell won’t work—at worst, it could actively harm you or others.

Binding spells are not a means of revenge.

Most people have felt the desire for revenge at one point in their lives or another. When someone legitimately harms us, it’s perfectly natural to feel angry and have an urge to right that wrong.

However, turning to magick to enact revenge is a terrible idea 99.9% of the time.

If you’re familiar with the basics of Wicca, you already know why this is.

If you’re not so familiar with them, it’s still quite simple—it has to do with the Wiccan Rede and the Wiccan Rule of Three, which are creeds that deal with the morality and consequences of performing magick.

The Wiccan Rede

While our religion doesn’t require us to ascribe to a formal statement of faith, most witches accept these two particular statements as the foundation for practicing witchcraft ethically and successfully.

The Wiccan Rede goes like this:

“An [if] it harm none, do what ye will.”

Put simply, most Wiccans believe that if your magick is not harming anyone you are free to do as you please.

And when it comes to binding spells for revenge, you can see why this poses a problem—the whole (misguided) point is to harm someone who has wronged you!

The Rule of Three

When you add the Wiccan Rule of Three into the mix, the idea of magickal revenge looks even less appealing.

In a nutshell, this is the belief that whatever magickal energy you put into the world will return to you three times over. So, if you’re focused on witchcraft that promotes joy or prosperity, you should expect those things to manifest in your life.

On the other hand, if you’re putting out anger and revenge, there is always the risk that those things will find their way back into your life.

And that is one risk that I wouldn’t suggest people take.

Dealing with Revenge

Like I mentioned earlier, revenge is natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s productive or useful. Focusing your magickal energies on healing your emotional wounds is going to be safer and more beneficial to you in the long run.

Letting go of anger is a hard process, but when it comes to Wicca, it’s the path I recommend.

Binding spells are not a substitute for actual protection.

A binding spell is a spiritual solution to a spiritual problem. If you or a loved one are in physical or mental danger because of the problems in your life, I highly suggest you take more pragmatic steps to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Binding spells are magick, but they aren’t miracles.

Please take all the appropriate precautions if you are in immediate danger.


Wiccan Binding Spell Preparation and Supplies

The binding spell I’m about to show you is heavily influenced by candle magick. I believe that the candle is a powerful symbol of humanity’s ability to dominate that which is wild and destructive. Since this ritual is all about asserting dominance over the negative powers that attack you, it’s a particularly appropriate symbol.

The candle you’ll be using in this spell should be black—which is a color frequently associated with binding and banishment. Black is a physical representation of this binding power, and nothing can escape it.

This spell also requires the use of silver ribbon. Within Wicca, we often associate silver with the moon, and the moon, of course, represents the Triple Goddess—our divine mother.

You’ll be calling upon the Goddess’ power to bind the forces of negativity that surround you.

Invoking and petitioning the Divine is a common occurrence with spells of protection like this one, and I chose the Triple Goddess specifically because of her maternal associations. There isn’t much on earth that’s more powerful than the watchful eye and care of a parent.

Finally, you’ll need a ceremonial knife for this binding spell. You’ll be using it to carve a sigil into your candle—this creates a third layer of protection between yourself and bad energy.

For the uninitiated, a sigil is a symbol used within the practice of Wicca or witchcraft.

Different sigils have different properties depending on their shape, and the one I’m going to show you is commonly used for banishment purposes. Think of it as a physical representation of your desire for binding.

Like all magickal tools, your knife will need to be blessed before it can be used—it’s not the quality of the knife that makes it ceremonial, but rather, it’s the act of consecrating it for magickal use that gives it this status.

I’ve included a short blessing for this object near the beginning of the spell for those of you who don’t already have a knife that has been blessed.

And of course, always use extreme caution when working with something sharp like a knife!

To recap, you’ll need the following supplies for this ritual:

  • 1 black candle (preferably a large one)
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Silver ribbon (enough to tie around the candle)
  • Ceremonial knife

Wiccan Binding Spell Instructions

To begin the spell, gather your supplies and clear an area where you can work.

Stand in the middle of your space, and, with a loud voice, repeat the following:

I banish all negativity and bad energy from this sacred place. No spirits of ill will may disrupt my workings.

Now, move to the northernmost point of your area and face outwards. With your hands raised, say this:

Protectors of the north, hear my petition. Keep watch as I bind the powers of evil.

Now move to the westernmost point. Repeat the invocation above, replacing “north” with “west.” Do this at the south and east as well to complete this step.

If your knife has not yet been blessed for magickal use, now is the time to do that. You can skip this step if it does not apply to you.

Return to the center of the circle. Very carefully, hold the knife flat using both palms to support it. Repeat this blessing while you do so:

Spirits of consecration, bless this tool that it may work my will. Cleanse it of any spiritual impurity, that it may be a magickal beacon of light and goodness. So mote it be.

Place the knife back down for the time being.

You should now take your black candle and place it in front of you. Then say the following:

I do not fear the darkness. The all-encompassing power of black binds that which aims to do me harm. By the light of this flame, I am protected from the corrupting influence of negativity.

Now, very (very!) carefully, you’re going to carve a sigil into the side of the candle.

To begin, draw a circle as perfectly as you can. Then, draw a straight line moving from the top to the bottom of the circle. To complete the sigil, draw a straight line from the left to the right.

When you’re finished, your sigil hopefully looks something like this:

sigil for wiccan binding spell

Finally, it’s now time to light the candle. Once lit, say the following prayer:

To bind is my will, the flame is my protector. I do not allow the powers of evil to harm me.

Next, take your silver ribbon and tie it above the sigil, if possible.

If you know how to tie a square knot, use this—as it has powerful magickal properties (especially for binding). Otherwise use a bow or some other simple knot.

It’s now time to invoke the Triple Goddess and her protection. To do so, say this:

Great Triple Goddess, divine mother of the sky, hear my prayer. The influence of evil is at my door, even though I resist. [Here you should add a short description of the specific problems you are facing and why you need this binding spell.] Keep watch that harm may no longer befall me. I bind myself to your love and protection.

To conclude the binding spell, stand in the center of your space once again while holding your candle. In a commanding voice, repeat this:

I feel the magick move. The binding is complete. With help from the Goddess, negative influences and bad energies are banished from my presence. Though we depart, dear mother, I know your protection will continue for as long as it is needed. The power we have raised here today cannot be undone. So mote it be.

Extinguish your candle to finish the ritual.

If possible, your candle should be allowed to burn a few hours every day afterward until it is completely used.

This will ensure that the binding magick is as powerful and long-lasting as possible. Once it is spent, it should be disposed of respectfully—ideally by being buried outside.

At the very least, the candle should be stored safely away.

Using it for any other purposes will negate the impact of the ritual.

Make Your Binding Spell As Powerful As It Can Be

Something as important as a binding spell deserves to be done right. But making the essential preparations for a powerful spell doesn’t have to be a hassle.

The 10 Keys to Casting Powerful Spells is an easy-to-follow checklist that helps keep you on track as you prepare and cast your spell. With it, you can feel confident that you’re casting a powerful, effective spell.

To download your free copy of the checklist, just click the image below!

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