How to Cast a Sacred Circle (And What It Means)

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If you’ve ever read a Wiccan spell, you might have seen mention of something called “casting a sacred circle.” But what exactly is a sacred circle and why is important when working magick?

In this article, we’re going to take a look at why sacred circles are important and how you can learn to cast them with ease and power. Let’s get started!

What is a Sacred Circle?

For those interested in the short version of the sacred circle, it’s this–casting a sacred circle before a spell creates a space where magickal energy can be raised and used while keeping negative energy and power at bay. It’s the spiritual stage upon which your spell comes to life.

The Power of the Circle

But to really understand the power of the sacred circle, we need to think about what circles in general symbolize within the world of Wicca.

The circle is an important symbol within Wicca and witchcraft. Most generally, it represents unity and completeness—a circle never begins or ends, it only continues. We use circles to signify our union with all that is around us, including one another, nature, and the divine itself.

And within the realm of the sacred circle, that union is at its most powerful. We cast a sacred circle before working a spell to help us join ourselves to the energies of the physical and spiritual world. In this way, the circle is a “hotspot” for the powers that create magick.

However, a circle can also be a symbol of protection. It creates a barrier from a single, continuous line, where no points are weaker or more exposed than the others. The circle keeps in what needs to be kept in and keeps out what needs to be kept out.

Casting a sacred circle before working a spell helps keep us protected and focused.

That being said, magick isn’t necessarily a dangerous art—the forces of darkness aren’t waiting for the right moment to swoop in and steal your soul or anything! But a sacred circle can help “protect” us from energies that aren’t conducive to making magick.

When we step into our circle, the everyday cares and worries of the world are temporarily held back to allow us to place all our focus on raising spiritual energy. As that positive energy and light are raised, the circle protects and amplifies this precious gift.

Why Cast a Sacred Circle?

It can be tempting to conveniently “forget” to cast a sacred circle when you’re working a spell. And I get that—when you’re excited about trying a spell, you want to get to the good stuff as quickly as possible, and it feels like casting a circle is standing in your way.

But taking that extra time to cast will actually help your magick in the long run.

Going through these steps, creating a physical space where magick can thrive, is going to make your spell more potent. It allows you to focus your thoughts and set an intention of raising spiritual energy—which is the whole point of magick in the first place!

The process of casting a circle creates a nice buffer between the “real” world and the “magickal” world that allows you to ease into the process of making magick more deeply.

That being said, casting a sacred circle is not the only pre-ritual ritual that will help you accomplish this goal. Some witches petition specific deities for protection and power, while others appeal to the four traditional elements for this purpose. A circle casting ritual could easily be incorporated into either one of these if you wish.

What’s most important is that you have a ritual that makes you feel grounded, connected, and protected—and a sacred circle can do just that!

Now, let’s move onto how we actually create a sacred circle.

How Do I Cast a Sacred Circle?

Casting a sacred circle should always be the first step in your spell—do it before any blessings or other preparatory steps so that they can benefit from the power of the circle.

Preparing for the Sacred Cirle

You’ll need to clear a space before casting, as it requires you to walk around.

Traditionally, a Wiccan’s sacred circle is nine feet in diameter, but don’t worry if you don’t have that much space available—you simply need as much room as it will take to perform your spell.

Think about the steps involved. Is there are a lot of movement in the ritual? Then you’ll probably need a circle on the bigger side, but rituals where you’re mostly staying in once place might not need a giant sacred circle to perform.

Creating a Sacred Circle

When you’re ready to cast, stand at the northernmost point of your ritual space. Take a few deep breaths, focus your thoughts, and begin slowly walking a clockwise circle.

As you walk, visualize beams of white-gold light jumping up out of the earth where your footsteps land. This will help to establish the spiritual protection of your space. Imagine this light glowing with warmth, kindness, and love.

You want to make three clockwise rotations around your circle to officially cast it. And as you make each round, repeat the following:

I cast this circle to join with the sacred powers of light. I set this space apart by the power of my will for the working of magick. The light of goodness protects all that is within the barrier.

After your third time around the circle, move to the center of your space. Close your eyes and visualize the light and protection surrounding you and vividly as possible. Take a few more deep breaths and you’re ready to begin your spell!

What Else Should I Know About Sacred Circles?

There are couple of other things to keep in mind once your sacred circle has been cast.

Crossing Your Sacred Circle

Ideally, you would never cross the boundary of your circle until your ritual is finished, but believe me, we’ve all been in a situation where we’ve forgotten an important item for our spell and need to go grab it.

To cross the line of your circle without disturbing its power, you’ll need to cut a door into it. If you have a wand handy, move to the edge of your circle and “cut” a rectangle big enough for you to walk through.

If you don’t have one available, use the index finger on your right hand to do the cutting. Then, you can simply step through the door you created worry free!

Once you’re back within your sacred circle, turn to face the door you created, and with your palms facing outward, repeat this:

I re-seal the portal I have opened. The circle is complete in power once again.

Removing Your Sacred Circle

Once your spell is complete, you’ll also need to remove your circle. This dissolves the barrier you created and allows the spiritual energy you raised to go out and work its magick.

To do so, begin at the southernmost point of your circle. You’re going to move around it three times again, but this time, you should be walking counterclockwise instead of clockwise.

As you make each round, you should say the following:

This sacred circle is now opened. I send out all energies raised here to accomplish my will in the world by the power of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be.

Now What?

You can use the circle casting ritual you just read in preparation for any spell you might want to try. So why not give it a shot? There are lots of new spells and rituals to discover at Explore Wicca!

And if you’re interested in learning more about the ins and outs of magick, be sure to check out our article on how wiccan magick works.

If you’d like to stay-up-to-date on what’s going on at Explore Wicca, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to stay in the loop. You’ll be notified when new articles go up on the site, as well as any special sales or promotions we’ve got going on.

Regardless of where your spiritual journey takes you next, I’m grateful that Explore Wicca got to be a small part of it. I hope that what you’ve learned here will empower you to take your magickal education to the next level.

Blessed be!

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