Wiccan Plants and Herbs Every Witch Should Grow

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Wiccan plants and herbs play a big role in making magick, and if you have any experience with witchcraft, you’ve probably used them in your own spells and rituals already.

But have you ever thought about growing your own?

In this article, we’re going to take a look at why growing your own Wiccan plants and herbs is something that every witch should try at least once, and we’ll also go over some specific plants that make the perfect addition to a magickal garden. Plus, you’ll also get a few tips for how to use those plants that you have grown.

Let’s get growing!

Table of Contents

Why Grow Your Own Wiccan Plants and Herbs?
Uses for Wiccan Plants and Herbs
Essential Wiccan Plants and Herbs
Things to Consider
Blessing Your Wiccan Plants and Herbs

Why Grow Your Own Wiccan Plants and Herbs?

Most plants and herbs are readily available fully grown, so why should you bother with growing them yourself? There are actually a couple good reasons why a witch should take such an interest in plant life!

You get to experience the Wheel of the Year firsthand.

Within Wicca, we have eight major holidays, and these are collectively known as the Wheel of the Year. These holidays are intimately tied to nature and the changing of the seasons.

It’s one thing to talk about the Wheel of the Year abstractly, but experiencing it firsthand offers wisdom and insight that you’ll never get with words alone. Plants are a living example of the wheel in action, and when you grow them yourself, you bring yourself more in sync with this natural cycle that structures our year.

Self-grown plants pack more of a spiritual punch.

Magick is all about intention, and when you grow plants all the way from seeds, you’re imbuing them with spiritual power from the get go–from seedling to fully mature plant, they’re taking in all the magickal energy you’re pouring into them.

Physically they may be the same as other plants, but when a witch grows her own, their magickal power is intensified.

Magickal Uses for Wiccan Plants and Herbs

Witches and Wiccans use plants for all sorts of purposes, and I would encourage you to explore and experiment with the ways that you incorporate them into your own practice. That being said, there are some popular types of magick where they’re frequently called for.


At its most basic, a sachet is a cloth bag filled with fragrant herbs, spices, and flowers. What you choose to include in a magickal sachet will depend on what you wish to accomplish and what Wiccan plants correspond to that purpose.


Tinctures are created by allowing plants to steep for days or weeks in some sort of liquid medium, usually alcohol. As the essence of the plants infuses itself into the liquid, it gains the spiritual correspondences from those plants as well.

I frequently use tinctures for anointing objects, and while some are technically ingestible, for safety reasons, I don’t suggest drinking tinctures that are homemade.


We most commonly think of smudging as burning a sage stick, but really, that’s only one option. Depending on what your intention is, smudging can be done with any number of different Wiccan plants and herbs.


When invoking or working with deities, it’s always a good idea to bring along some sort of offering for them. Plants, especially those you have grown yourself, are typically a good option because of the work that goes into nurturing them. Which specific plants you want to offer will vary depending on what God or Goddess you are working with.

Essential Wiccan Plants and Herbs

There is no shortage of plants and herbs that Wiccans use for making magick, but some are more common than others.

The following is by no means a definitive list of Wiccan plants you can use in spells and rituals, but it’s a great starting point, as this list covers a broad range of different magickal correspondences. These have been chosen for their versatility as well as their potency.


Sage has powerful magickal correspondences, and it shows up quite frequently in spells and rituals. It’s always a good herb to have on hand.

At its most basic, sage represents purification, cleansing, and blessing, so if you’re working magick related to these themes, this herb can help amplify those spiritual energies. Because of its power as a purifier, you’ll commonly see sage used in smudging sticks as well.

If you’re looking to keep negativity at bay and blessing nearby, sage is the herb for you!


Mint might provide a delicious, tingly punch to dishes, but it’s just as powerful when it comes to magick. This is another must have if you’re looking for Wiccan plants and herbs.

Mint is an herb associated with luck, serendipity, and general positive energy. When mint is nearby, the good vibes just can’t stay away! You can use mint when working magick dealing with these themes specifically, but it’s also a good choice when you want to give any sort of spell an extra dash of luck for its success.


Within the world of Wicca, tulips are about much more than aesthetics–although they do look gorgeous, too!

These colorful flowers represent all things related to protection, security, and the home. No matter which variety you choose, tulips radiate warm, inviting energy. Your home should be your sanctuary, and with tulips around, you can be sure that you have the spiritual protection to make it so.

Because of these correspondences, a tulip bouquet would also make a great magickal gift for a housewarming party.


This beautiful, fragrant Wiccan plant possesses mysterious correspondences related to the spirit world.

Lavender is the plant you should turn to when you’re looking to improve your psychic or divination skills. It’s also been known to help foster prophetic dreams. Finally, this is a great option to include in rituals involving communicating with deities or spirits from other realms, as divine and supernatural beings are instinctively drawn to it.


If you’re looking to achieve your goals and dreams, daffodils are great flowers to have around.

Their bright blossoms are the color of the sun, and, like it, they represent vitality and prosperity. They can be included in spells and rituals about reaching a specific personal goal, but they’re also useful for setting magickal intentions, no matter what kind of spell you’re performing.

The radiant, positive energy from daffodils will help to ensure that success is always on your side!


When you’re looking for answers, turn to thyme.

This humble herb is not the flashiest, but its correspondences are powerful. Thyme represents wisdom, mental clarity, and insight into situations. Whether you need help making a difficult decision or simply want to be a more thoughtful person in general, thyme can help give your mind a spiritual boost.

With thyme, you’ll be able to see the reality of any situation much clearer–this is one smart herb to have around!

Things to Consider When Growing Wiccan Plants and Herbs

Before you get to planting, there are few things to consider in order to make the process as smooth as possible.

Your Correspondences

The plants themselves have correspondences, but so do the objects related to the plants as well. If you really want to create some magickally powerful Wiccan plants and herbs, you should make sure all these correspondences are as aligned as possible.

Take your pots or planters for example.

There’s nothing wrong with growing your plants in whatever you’ve got available, but things like the color of your pots can influence the spiritual qualities of what’s in your garden. So, I might plant my sage in white planters, which is a color that aligns with the purifying and blessing qualities of this particular herb.

If you want to stick with the pots you already have, consider tying ribbons around them in colors that correspond to the plants contained within.

Additionally, drawing specific sigils or symbols on your planters is another way to draw more magickal energy into your plants.

Your Budget

Seeds are generally quite affordable, but if you’re in a financial crunch, you can still create a magickal garden!

Gardening kits can be a cost effective way to grow multiple varieties of Wiccan plants and herbs without having to purchase numerous seed packets or other supplies–they’re all already conveniently bundled together for you.

As long as you don’t have a problem having your plant varieties chosen for you, kits can be an affordable way to enter the world of magickal gardening.

Your Skill Level

Growing things isn’t rocket science, but there is definitely a learning curve if you’re a complete beginner when it comes to gardening.

After reading this article, you may be well informed about the magick of growing plants, but you still need to know a little bit about the science of growing plants! So, don’t be afraid to pick up a beginner’s gardening book to help you along in the process if you don’t have much experience.

Growing Wiccan plants and herbs is a process that takes weeks and months to come to fruition, and there’s nothing more frustrating than working hard for a long time but ending up with dead plants. Don’t be afraid to arm yourself with some gardening info before you hit the ground running–you want your thumb to be as green as it can possibly be!

Blessing Your Wiccan Plants and Herbs

Below, I’ve included a few short magickal incantations to help enhance your efforts in growing plants. You can incorporate these into a larger ritual, but it’s also perfectly fine to simply recite these as you’re working on your garden.

Prayer to Bless the Soil

Use this incantation before you plant your seeds to help bless the soil that they will be growing in.

I call upon the spirits of the soil and the element of earth to bless my garden and the life that will soon spring forth from it. Holy earth mother, bless and consecrate this ground that it may flourish with life by the work of my hands. My intention is set and my will is sealed. So mote it be.

Prayer to Bless Growing Plants

Recite this incantation over your plants as they begin to emerge from the earth and grow stronger.

Great Horned God, keeper of all nature, I ask your blessings on these plants as they move forward in the never ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth. May their vitality increase day by day. Protect their beauty and their life-affirming power that I may see a successful harvest. So mote it be.

Prayer of Thanksgiving at Harvest

This incantation of thanks to the Lord and Lady of Wicca should be used when it’s finally time to harvest your plants.

I harvest these plants for the honor of the sacred Lord and Lady who sustain all life. Your blessings have guided their growth and fulfilled my will. Blessed be to the ones who keep the Wheel of Life ever turning.

Learn More About Wiccan Plants and Herbs

By this point, you should be well on your way to starting your own magickal garden of Wiccan plants and herbs. However, there’s so much more about plant magick to be learned!

If you’d like to go even further into the study of plants and how they function in the world of Wicca, I encourage you to explore my book Herbs for Witchcraft: The Green Witch’s Grimoire of Plant Magick.

In it, I cover all the most important fundamentals of green witchcraft, including things like:

  • Plant-based spells and rituals
  • Plant folklore
  • The beliefs of green witchcraft
  • Nature-based Gods and Goddesses
  • How to communicate with the natural world

Give it a read if you really want to get serious about making the most of your Wiccan plants and herbs.

Click here to buy it now!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your spiritual journey, and I truly hope that what you’ve read today will help increase your love for the natural world and the world of Wicca.

Until Next Time,
Didi Clarke

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